Course Structure
As of January 1, 2011, the Scott Haldane Foundation (SHF) introduced a new course structure for the training of Medical Examinars of Divers and Diving Medicine Physicians. This structure connects directly to the international guidelines for the training of diving physicians developed by the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM).
The SHF training structure has two levels:
Level 1. The basic level
Level 2. The advanced level
The basic level
The basic level, the entrance to all diving medical courses of SHF, consists of two modules, Basic Module Part I and Part II , which together form the basic course.
If the entire basic course is completed with a positive test, the student can be certified as a diving doctor D/Associated Specialist (only Dutch situation) or as Medical Examiner of Divers (MED) a certification by the European College of Baromedicine (ECB), which is internationally recognized. Click here for direct access to the certification procedure. Basic module 1 must be completed before basic module 2 can be entered.
The advanced level
The advanced level (level 2d) consitsts of the in-depth courses, refresher courses and internships. Courses at the advanced level can be entered as at least part I of the Basic module (or equivalent course) has been finished successfuly .
Selected courses from the advanced level, more specific three the in-depth courses (which must include the 'Decompression, recompression and HBOt' course) and the two internships ‘ Dive Types’ and ‘HBOt” qualify for the internationally recognized certification by the ECB according to ECHM guidelines (level 2d) as Diving Medicine Physician (DMP).
All courses at the advanced level will provide credits for the Continuous Medical Education (CME) and as such for the recertification of diving doctors D/Associated Specialist (Dutch situation only), MED and DMPs
SHF designs the three modules required for certification as DMP in such a way, that these modules include the obligatory parts for this certification. But next to this, always a different theme is chosen, so that courses always include enough new elements for those already certified as DMP or for those who follow the course for recertification/CME.
Basic Module Part 2 must be completed before the starting internships of Level 2.
Update: 12-08-2024