Dr Dick van der Vaart passed away

dr. vandervaartWhile preparing the level 1 course on Bonaire, we received the sad news that Dr Dick van der Vaart passed away Monday evening, May 6, 2024. Dick has been a good friend for a long time. As a teacher at the first courses from 1992 on, as someone you could always rely on when help was necessary, as a pioneer of diving and hyperbaric medicine on Bonaire and as a very amiable person. On behalf of Scott Haldane, we offer our condolences to Dick's family and loved ones for this great loss. We are certainly going to miss Dick.

Prof. Michael H. Bennett passed away

We recently received the sad news that Prof. Mike Bennett passed away unexpectedly at the age of 67. Mike, former president of the SPUMS and great liaison between SPUMS and EUBS, but better known to many of you as a teacher in the SHF course in the Philippines and co-author of the standard work in diving medicine "Diving and Subaquatic Medicine". Mike was a lively and friendly personality. He will be sorely missed. Our condolences go out to his wife and friends.

Update: 12-08-2024