Successful 40th Anniversary Symposium Scott Haldane


On January 21, the Scott Haldane Foundation Lustrum Symposium was organised in the beautiful Evoluon in Eindhoven (NL). More than 130 listeners interested in diving medicine got a good overview of the developments in diving medicine and a look into the future. renowned speakers from all over Europe highlighted several aspects of dive safety, the theme of this symposium had. Both organization, program and speakers were of high standard.

Scott Haldane receives DAN Diving Safety Award

DAN Award

During the Scott Haldane Lustrum Symposium on January 21 2017, Menno Gaastra and Jan-Jaap Brandt Corstius, president and director of the Scott Haldane Foundation received DAN Diving Safety Award from DAN Europe Vice President Research & Education Professor Costantino Balestra. With this award for the "Outstanding contribution to Fostering diving safety and education in collaboration with DAN Europe", DAN Europe emphasizes the good work that the Scott Haldane Foundation is doing in the field of education of diving doctors, making diving more safe.

International Lustrum Symposium 40 years Scott Haldane

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The Scott Haldane Foundation celebrates its 40th anniversary by organizing an International Diving Medicine Symposium in the Evoluon in Eindhoven, The Netherlands on Saturday 21 of Januari 2017.  National and international speakers will discuss the different aspects of Diving Safety.  An interesting topic for diving physicians, physicians with intnerst in diving medicine, diving instructors and divers. For more information click here.

ECHM Consensus conference, Lille, April 15-16

ECHM lille

Announcement 10th ECHM Consensus Conference on Hyperbaric Medicine
April 15-16th 2016,  Lille

The European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine (ECHM) has in its objectives the continuous improvement in the quality of care and the safety in hyperbaric medicine. One of the tools used to reach this target is the organization of consensus conferences to issue widely accepted guidelines. Up to now, nine such conferences have been organized and their recommendations widely diffused.
Two of these consensus conferences were especially focused on the organization, indications and quality of care in Hyperbaric Medicine and have been organized in 1994 and 2004. Ten years after the last one, it is now time to review and update these guidelines according to the advance in medical knowledge and the experience gained in clinical practice during that period.
In 1994, the guidelines were elaborated by a jury from expert reports and discussion with the conference audience. In 2004, report of the guidelines was improved in grading the recommendations both by the level of evidence supporting the recommendation and the importance for practice of that recommendation. The this new guidelines, ECHM wishes to go a step further in reporting not only recommendations with their confidence level but also the evidence supporting the recommendation and how confident jury members are in that recommendation ( GRADE method).
To do so, ECHM selects well recognized experts in each field to elaborate a report on a topic with an exhaustive literature survey, a synthesis of the evidence and a proposal for recommendations on that topic. All the reports will circulate between the expert group and each expert will be asked to weight his agreement or disagreement with the proposed recommendations. During the conference, reports and expert opinions will be presented to the audience which will have an opportunity to discuss and amend the reports before final consensus.

Don’t miss the opportunity to have an input
in the ECHM guidelines
Attend the Lille Consensus Conference
the 15th-16th of April 2016

Update: 12-08-2024