Great offer for SHF Students



SHF students can receive a 50% discount on membership contributions of the European Underwater and Baromedical Society (EUBS).

The Scott Haldane Foundation (SHF) makes great efforts to achieve an optimal knowledge transfer to its students. EUBS is the scientific umbrella organization for diving and hyperbaric medicine in Europe. Through the Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine (DHM) magazine, a joint publication of the EUBS and the colleagues in Asia and Australia (SPUMS), and the annual scientific EUBS conference, the EUBS provides a wealth of knowledge. In addition, the EUBS provides a large database of scientific articles for its members. Therefore SHF offers its active students, those who attended a multi-day SHF course in 2018, a discount of no less than 50% on the 2019 EUBS membership fee. You pay only €60 instead of €120. With this you receive, among other things, the DHM e-journal four times a year (surcharge for the paper version € 30) and a large discount on your registration for the annual conference (in 2019 in Tel Aviv).
For 2019: if you register for a multi-day SHF course in 2019, you can benefit from the SHF-discount arrangement for your EUBS membership 2020.


2018 AUAS/DAN Diving Medicine Scholarship


The AUAS/DAN Diving Medicine Research Scholarship was established by the Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences with major support from Divers Alert Network (DAN) to encourage research on topics that expand our knowledge of human physiology in the marine environment.

Proposal submissions will be considered from individuals who possess: a. A PhD, MD, DO, or Master’s degree; b. Previous publications in the peer-reviewed literature; and, c. A record of interest and/or involvement with diving medical research. The award period is for a maximum of one year and may not exceed $10,000 in budget request.

You can find all information here.

Please contact Dr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., PhD (Chairman, The DAN Foundation) for more details.


DAN campaign "Don't get lost"

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Dear divers and all those who care about diving safety,

For two years, DAN has been promoting the "Don’t get lost" safety campaign.

This is one of the most successful campaigns we have running at the moment and we receive a lot of positive feedback from the diving community. It is a campaign that lives among divers and during which we introduce safety equipment they may not yet know, but can be valuable to them.

In the future we will continue to develop and distribute new campaigns and make sure existing campaigns remain under the spotlight in different ways.

We have therefore published an online quiz online, with 10 questions related to the prevention of missing divers.
Of course we would like to reach as many divers as possible and we need your help with this.

That's why I have a question for you:
If everyone shares our Facebook Post (not just like it), we will soon reach many divers who will not only be able to take the quiz, but also get to know our campaign and in this way we can also use this educational tool to improve diving safety.

You can find the FB post at

Should you have not “liked” the page itself yet, then of course it is a good opportunity to do this as well.

The campaign itself is available on our website and we also have 2 related articles that can be shared or distributed amongst fellow divers:

Lost at sea? Increase your chances in getting found again

Which Delayed Surface Marker Buoy should I choose?

For those who are interested: It is possible to request free Safety Campaign brochures from us. We will be more than happy to send them to you.
I appreciate your help a lot in making it possible to give some attention to the “Don’t get lost” safety campaign.

Guy Thomas
Director of Safety Programs



Update: 12-08-2024