COVID-19 pandemic SHF news update

Keep a close eye on this news item. Updates follow regularly. The date in the title of this message will then be adjusted


Update Februari 15th 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic hits us all hard. Scott Haldane activities are also affected. We are currently working hard to reschedule courses and activities to a later date when hopefully the consequences of the pandemic will no longer be limiting.

NEW The the in-depth course HBOt, decompression and recompression from 12-13 March 2021 has been rescheduled for June 11 and 12 2021. The location remains unchanged, the Bovendonk in Hoeven (NL).

18-12-2020 The  postponed the in-depth course HBOt, decompression and recompression from 16-17 October has been rescheduled for March 12 and 13 2021. The location remains unchanged, the Bovendonk in Hoeven (NL).

14-10-2020 The new COVID-19 outburst and new strict regulations forced us to postpone the in-depth course HBOt, decompression and recompression from 16-17 October. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.

19-08-2020 Due to the changed situation around and in Brussels, the location of the in-depth course HBOt, decompression and recompression from 16-17 October has also changed. This course is now organized in the Bovendonk in Hoeven (NL). It is also possible to book hotel accommodation here. Registration is still possible.

22-06-2020 Currently we are working on the organization of international courses in November 2020. The basic course part 1 is planned for November 7-14. The 28th in-depth course in diving medicine is planned for November 14-21 and for November 21-28. Due to the uncertainties related to the COVID-19 situation, especially with regard to the flights, we are currently unable to register students. Once we know more we will inform you.

22-06-2020 The Basic Course part 1 (4 and 5 September) and part 2 (10, 11 and 12 September ) are full. Only waiting list registration is stell possible.

19-05-2020 In-depth course Diving with your Heart from 12 and 13 June.This course will be organized on it's origanal date 12 and 13 June. The course is full

06-04-2020 The Basic course part 2 at Boniare (9-16 May) has been postponed until 10-17 April 2021 on Bonaire.

01-04-2020 The Basic Course part 1 (from 28-29 March) and part 2 (from 3, 4 and 5 April) has been moved to 4 and 5 September and 10, 11 and 12 September respectively. Locations unchanged. There are places available again for these courses. 

19-03-2020 The HBOt, decompression and recompression in-depth course has been moved to October 16-17. Location unchanged.

19-03-2020 The Internship Various types of Dives with the Royal Netherlands Navy as part of the DMP certification has been moved from April 22 and 23 to October 28 and 29 2020

01-04-2020 If the registration fee for this courses already have been debited from your account, this amount will be used for the postponed SHF-courses. Costs for this courses have been made, like pre-payments for accommodation and the production of course material.
If you are unable to follow the courses in 2020, the amount will remain available for your participation of the SHF courses in Diving Medicine in 2021. We hereby guarantee that the course (regardless of price increases) can be followed for this amount in 2021 in The Netherlands.
If the dates in 2021 do not fit you schedule, the outstanding amount can also be deducted from the payment for courses in 2022.
You can also choose to follow the course abroad (outside The Netherlands). The amount already paid will then be deducted from the registration fee for this course.

To be continued.....


COVID-19: EUBS-ECHM Position Statements


EUBS and ECHM renewed two official Position Statements. The first one on the advisability of (recreational and professional) diving activities and the performance of Diving Medical Eexaminations in this current time period. The second one guidelines and recommendations for hyperbaric centres. The hyperbaric treatment environment creates unique challenges and risks, that need to be considered and evaluated, besides the general recommendations issued by local, national and international health care authorities. See below


Please read these documents

Baltic International Symposium on Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference has been posponed until June 3-5 2021


Two full days of lectures on both Diving & Hyperbaric Medicine with peri-symposium masterclasses. Only invited lecturers - experts in the field with great experience in their topics. The National Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine in Gdynia is responsible for preparation of the scientific program. The Symposium will be held in the Hotel Nadmorski located in one of the most spectacular place in Gdynia, Poland, just at the sea-side of the Baltic Sea. More info

Update: 11-10-2024